We are all having our own unique experience with the current situation, both physically and emotionally, and there are ALWAYS aspects within these experiences that are part of our divine soul journey as well. This experience is occurring on a global scale and on a global journey of consciousness.
These are extreme times with extreme energies, emotions, and impact. My intuition and knowingness is there is much more at play here within the Universe. Do I have a sense of what some of these are? Yes! Do I have an understanding of all of it? Heck no! And that my friends is where TRUST comes in!! TRUST on an infinite level……..we all have the capacity of it on that level.
This past year I have been supporting many clients, friends, and family. Each having their own human experience and each uniquely being provided an opportunity for soul level growth and expansion. We are Universal beings, and this is a Universal experience of which we are all part of. And yes! We choose to be here at this time!
I have been receiving lots of ‘check ins’ ….asking how I am doing. I have been experiencing exactly what I am meant to and embracing it on the highest level…some enjoyable and some not so much. I have gone deeply into asking what does all this contribute to me resulting in incredible insights and shed many tears releasing old energies that I had thought were long gone. So where are the residual ‘energetic dust bunnies’ in your field that are being highlighted to clear and release. Asking questions are so powerful………where answers and conclusions keep us limited and not moving forward.
When I went within, I asked how I can contribute in the most impactful way to as many people as possible. The guidance I received was clear……SHARE and INSPIRE to heighten the human AND soul experience of these incredible times.
Although many parts of ‘normal or routine’ life are on PAUSE……I know deep within my core there are many things that are always present and NEVER on PAUSE. Here is my list:
*Energies – in a multitude of ways.
*Soul remembrance and knowing.
*Universal Laws.
*Infinite possibilities
My guidance has been to share with you these Universal truths from my perspective and lens. From the multitude of channellings and client journeys that I have been blessed to be part of, and as well my own personal journey. Take what resonates to explore and leave what doesn’t. Be in your intuition and awareness.
Watch for my SHARING and INSPIRATIONS to come and as always please share your awareness.
We choose this journey, now let’s see what the infinite possibilities are where it can take us.
No matter how things may seem to appear or be interpreted, there is always energy present.
And I am always Your Energy Guide.
Love what you shared Heather. Eloise
Hi Heather, I have been thinking of you a lot lately! So glad to find your blog ! Be well . Cindy Youell